Logseq obsidian. it can … 我最终选择了 logseq.

Logseq obsidian I get that these products are similar, but they are also different. Anytype Whiteboards: Similar to Obsidian, Logseq offers visual note-taking on a digital canvas, allowing for the creative expression of ideas. open in new window # Overview Video. , which helps it to compete as an Evernote alternative 其实早在logseq 之前就知道大名鼎鼎的obsidian了,只是一直觉得它学习成本大,不想折腾。然后这次算下了些时间成本去摸索,甚至学习了一堆插件的使用方法,好不容易习惯了也摸透了它的用法。 在新鲜感的驱使下用了大半年ob,用的时候也是很欢的,比起logseq As of my last update, there isn't an official or widely recognized plugin within the Obsidian ecosystem that directly replicates Logseq's "Bullet Threading" fea. Think and learn better with Logseq, one step at a time. I would like to accomplish exactly 使い分けると思う.普段の用途,には今のところ Obsidian を使うことになりそう.というのは (1) Logseq しばらく使っていま Obsidian のフェーズだから, (2) Markdown Obsidian 与 Logseq 联用. Data migration from Day One to Logseq or Obsidian using Diarly and VS Code on a mac. (And I Logseq 介绍. Tags for example work fundamentally different in Logseq than in Obsidian. Obsidian, on the other hand, is more of a "blank book" that you can turn into anything that Logseq can do. com describes its Like Obsidian, LogSeq is free to use but does offer a couple of options if you want to support the development directly. Contribute to Ravieroy/pensieve development by creating an account on GitHub. So if you really want to get the most out of Logseq, it might make sense not to simply try a bulk import. 一款本地优先、重视隐私、类 Roam Research 、大纲类型的双链编辑器。 优点. Comfy, playful but productive theme for Obsidian. It’s actually a shame it doesn’t offer the option of going block based with automatic cross-referencing, which really makes organization completely unnecessary - with the Logseq is in a state of pause at the moment & Obsidian keeps moving forward with updates and plugins. I used Obsidian for several months and then switched over to Logseq once it became clear that the latter was maturing and becoming more user-friendly with the addition of plugins and other . 2. qq. This sounds simple but makes WorkFlowy extremely powerful. No single tool will help you with all of your knowledge work—not even Logseq. For visual learners there is a great video walkthrough open in new window of the plugin. md Why Dario da Silva chose Logseq over Roam, Obsidian and Athens How to get started in Logseq Onboarding: Learn the fundamentals of Logseq in 70 minutes Migrate from other tools How to switch from Roam Research to Logseq In this Logseq and Obsidian tutorial, I showcase a mapping system I built that initially sparked excitement, but hasn't received much love since then. How to use Obsidian and Logseq together and why Markdown matters – Logseq Community Hub. In Logseq, when I use the date picker to select a date - say, Aug 01, I’ve been pretty inspired of the ‘journal style’ display of daily notes that logseq has. Think faster, think better! By thinking and writing with Logseq, you'll Logseq is a knowledge management and collaboration platform. 适用场景: In summary, while both Obsidian and Logseq offer valuable features for different types of users, Logseq’s strengths lie in its focus on structured organization through an outline-based interface Logseq 中的每一个 Page 都像是《海伯利安》中的一颗星星,而双链就像「远距传送门」,让我能免去超光速旅行所带来的「时间债」,就像「诗人马丁塞利纳斯」在他的宅邸,他可以清晨在「鲸逖中心」吃早餐,中午一步跨过传送门,然后沐浴在 300 光年外的星光 The plugin comes with several built-in prompts to enhance your text editing experience. Logseq limitations. I have my Noteplan folder indexed with DEVONthink (Apple ecosystem only) so that syncs up. With Logseq Copilot, you can easily retrieve relevant information from your Logseq graph and enrich your online search, reading, learning experience. Jun 17 in General discussion. Anytype 然而大纲视图,对于传统文档创作不够友好,所以我用了信息管理的领域的 至强者 :obsidian加以补全,主要三个方面:阅读笔记,写作,画图。 关键字:obsidian logseq 双链 测试 时间管理 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I like that Obsidian appears to be built atop a plugin architecture where everything, even the core, is a plugin. Home About Contribute Resources Jobs. pp. After using Logseq for a solid week, I thought I would capture some observations if anyone else is considering the app, or Obsidian, which is my Obsidian and Logseq don’t appear compatible from the article based on Logseq adding things? I have a link saved to sync Noteplan 3 (Apple ecosystem only) with Obsidian. For example, In Logseq, namespaces are a special type of page that allow for hierarchy in the page names. Which is better? This is th logseq와 obsidian에서 호환되는 마크다운 문법 logseq와 obisdian은 모두 마크다운(markdown) 문법을 지원한다. Does this sound useful to anyone else here? I find it to be really helpful to have old daily notes available at a glance so I can complete tasks and get 其实就是自动将 md 文件渲染为 html 文件,本质上和 hugo、hexo、Jekyll 等博客渲染工具一样的。但是本方法支持 全文搜索 、双链和关系图谱。. However in the end, for the most part, the results are the same. 두 개의 툴 모두 마크다운 문법을 지원하는 만큼, 각각 작성한 마크다운이 상대방 툴에서 어떻게 For one benefit, I hope Logseq and Obsidian can come together to make something where a note, whether created in Logseq or Obsidian is correctly formatted (formatted to the tool) it is opened in. obsidian. I’ve been really wanting a Roam-esque outliner experience to compliment Obsidian. The most important reason people chose Workflowy is: Any sublist can be viewed as a top-level list. Stephen shows us how Today I’ll compare the various note-taking apps that have emerged from the note-taking boom brought on by Roam, which will involve old note-taking apps like Notion, Workflowy, etc. That's why many Logseq fans add Obsidian to their tools stack, as both tools can work with the same graph data. Similar to Notion and Roam Research, it is well-suited for implementing methodologies like the Zettelkasten and Logseq is a networked thought note-taking application that can create notes, create daily notes, connect notes and visualize in a graph view, use a whiteboard to bring ideas together, and 我们经常对比obsidian和logseq的功能,其实各有优点,能不能既要又要呢。分享一个方法。 (该方法支持电脑,PAD和手机端等多个终端) Step1:开通obsidian的同步功能链接: Obsidian Choose up to 4 apps for comparison (4 apps currently selected):. #logseq #obsidian #personalknowledgemanagementIn this video, I discuss why I am switching from Roam to Logseq as my preferred note-taking app for writing Lit Logseqは、Obsidianと違って基本的にフォルダはありませんが、後述するタグやクエリなどの機能を使って補うことができます。 5 (逆にフォルダなどの階層が固定化され Logseq 和 Obsidian 联用的可行方式 2023年7月6日 11:46 Obsidian&Logseq都是基于本地markdown文件,这奠定了两者联用的基础。 Obsidian 是文档型双链笔记,基本单元是页面,Logseq 是大纲型双链笔记, Obsidian 与 Logseq 联用. They are in GFM for Obsidian like ![[]] and in Logseq they are more like Roam's embeds being Possibly a stupid question but how do define an ‘outliner’ ? Can you not do in obsidian with nesting ? Always curious to hear how others use these great tools - up until now I’ve used my daily journal as a quick note dump with the intention of turning whatever’s needed into evergreen within the same app. Hey! I’ve been using Obsidian but I am now ready to move over and use Logseq together with emacs org mode. It focuses on privacy, longevity, and user control. Some of the features of Logseq Copilot are: Show Logseq content when you search on popular searching engines I heard that Obsidian and Logseq are compatible together since they both use local storage and markdown, however I have noticed some major differences that may deter me from using both: Logseq doesn't seem to read YAML metadata. Yaaqoub Eliyyahu. It is at once simple and complex. Login. Zotero) but which is integrated into For example, Obsidian’s integration with Readwise, MarginNote, and the Kanban plugin can complement LogSeq’s shortcomings. BOOX Palma; FAR EAST GADGET タイプスティックス; Perplexty; バレットジャーナル(用の手帳) 終わりに; 関連; 2024年を振り返る前に買ってよかったものを振り返る。 ガジェット ロジクール ワイヤレス トラックボール MX ERGO MXTB1d Obsidian、Heptabase、Notion、苹果备忘录以及很多数字笔记都有“双链接”功能,“双链接”被认为是近年来数字笔记领域最具变革性的创新之一,看起来很简单,却彻底颠覆了数字笔记使用方式,改变了游戏规 Zettlr is a free and open-source note-taking application that works with Markdown files. com/s/GIqgr6w8v_NeL1v3N5dgrA 演示视频: https://www. Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge sharing and management. Why Dario da Silva chose Logseq over Roam, Obsidian and Athens How to get started in Logseq Onboarding: Learn the fundamentals of Logseq in 70 minutes Migrate from other tools How to switch from Roam Research to Logseq logseq会把所有的笔记都放在一个pages文件夹里,只需要把obsidian的vault建立在这个文件夹里,就可以实现共用。 但这样最严重的问题是obsidian失去了文件夹功能。如果习惯了不使用文件夹来管理note,而使用MOC来管理note,那么这个方法是最简单的。 2. Logseq is in a state of pause at the moment & Obsidian keeps moving forward with Choose up to 4 apps for comparison (4 apps currently selected):. # 🎨 Hi everyone 👋 I have been experimenting with it for the past couple of weeks. Robust table/database support can starts with allowing formulas to be applied within tables in the note app, but also includes enumerated data types and thus notes that lend themselves to obsidian VS logseq Compare obsidian vs logseq and see what are their differences. cday = date("25-08-2022") sort file. - Logseq So the main question is why should you use logseq and obsidian together Well although they are similar in many ways they have certain differences which can b I’m still struggling with switching between outline-based apps like Roam and Logseq and Obsidian. Unlike Logseq, Obsidian can be used in vastly different ways, especially when you add plugins. ly/UrSkillshare (Prem Obsidian and Logseq are two popular note-taking apps that cater to different needs. LogSeq’s ability to link notes and create a network of knowledge makes it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to manage information more effectively. On the other hand, Logseq offers a flat file database, link feature, and customizable workflows, making it perfect for users Logseq should support a generic tree search and a variety of different ways to interact with the results, as a tree, like on the wikipedia page etc. Obsidian's UI plays a big role in my productivity so even with benefits of Logseq and Roam, I'd still have to use Obsidian. And at the core of my productivity stack are two local-first note-taking tools: Obsidian and LogSeq. From my research it seemed like logseq had great ways to annotate directly within a PDF. Subscribe Email Why Dario da Silva chose Logseq over Roam, Obsidian and Athens How to get started in Logseq Onboarding: Learn the fundamentals of Logseq in 70 minutes Migrate from other tools How to switch from Roam Research to Logseq Feature demos An overview of 50 Logseq features Jeffrey Webber's five favorite Logseq features In Obsidian, there's Callouts: > [!note] > Description What is the equivalent of the same in Logseq? Unlike in Obsidian, if you update a block in a Logseq or Roam side pane, the change is automatically reflected in all places where that block appears. ; Make Shorter: Shorten Obsidian has an SRS plugin that works fairly well. [2] [3] Internal links may be created between notes, which can be visualised as a Choose up to 4 apps for comparison (4 apps currently selected):. Logseq offers a range of powerful tools for knowledge management, collaboration, PDF annotation, and task management with support for multiple file formats, including Markdown and Org-mode, and various features for organizing and structuring your I just would like to ask for some help regarding Logseq app. I use Logseq extensively for daily journals and meeting notes. marcc August 3, 2023, 4:08am 1. The only concern is that LogSeq is still in the beta development stage, and there are 花了一点时间从logseq转过来,但用过logseq的PDF标注后,在ob中没有找到插件打得过logseq原生PDF阅读标注功能的 logseq支持直接拖拽PDF到页面,会生成一个超链接,点击后会用内置的PDF阅读器打开,支持选 Obsidian和Logseq都是纯文本、本地化存储的软件,我很早就知道二者的库可以通用。最近因为上了Obsidian的车,突然就想到如果二者共用一个库,岂不是Logseq也可以白嫖Obsidian的官方同步? Obsidian、Logseq等Markdown笔记软件对比 最后找到了LogSeq基本符合需求,但是LogSeq会在源文件中强制给每个块都加上无序列表,找了半天也关不掉,强迫症表示难以习惯。由于没找到其他符合的,于是打算拥抱LogSeq。 Ok . NotebookLM vs. Both tools are Markdown-based, both support local storage (though Compare Logseq vs. 使用sync工具 Obsidian和logseq各有所长,我一直试图将这两个软件联用,但是一直困扰我的一点在于,这两个软件虽然都支持块引用,但是采用的语法不一样,而且互不兼容。 Obsidian Springrain精心打造了一个Obsidian&Logseq开箱即用库,经过一年的优化,以及大量配置工作使其适配电脑端和移动端,目前已升级至V3版本,欢迎大家下载使用! V3版本完美继承了V1版本 A simple plugin to make Obsidian's preview of LogSeq markdown a bit more pleasant. For example, I would like to take notes on different Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) related See Joplin, Standard Notes, Logseq, Amplenote, Obsidian or compare all five. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 6k次。本文分享了如何利用Obsidian实现Logseq在安卓、iOS和MAC端的同步方案,包括使用iCloud、文件夹同步应用如坚果云、Syncthing以及Git同步的方法。同时,指出Obsidian在处理Logseq格式时可能存在的问题,如双向链接显示不全,新建链接位置需 突然发现可以利用obsididan的官方同步,在obsidian的文件夹下新增加一个文件夹:logseq,然后,logseq读取这个文件的内容,实现了obsidian与logseq的联动; logseq作为闪念笔记的采集和整理,到一定程度,在整合到obsidian中,形成永久笔记,进行发布。 Right now, there is no direct Readwise and Logseq integration, but Obsidian does. Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business. • 强大的任务管理功能;. Having Logseq sync up would be cool too. But all use a modified Blockquote, which I believe was chosen so that it renders decently in markdown processors that don’t understand Logseq has a daily journaling workflow built in which you can sort of automatically grow into a kind of personal wiki. Embeds are different. weixin. A Logseq note in Obsidian. com 源文件 Github 地址:fishyer/MyLogseq: 我的 Logseq 卡片笔记仓库. The Obsidian and Logseq Sync are both Roam Research介绍双链笔记赛道的开创者。 优点编辑器:流畅丝滑,性能比较好。这个有主观色彩。仅供参考。 双链细节:作为开创者,可能是做的最好的。 插件和主题十分丰富:尽管 Logseq Sync BETA Always up-to-date notes between all your devices. mday DESC I’m struggling to find how to easily query it in Logseq. I Just wanted to chime in and record my thoughts on what I think are some of the important relative strengths and weaknesses that differentiate Logseq and Obsidian at this point. tech, writing. The namespaces character in Logseq is a forward slash, /. It’s definitely helped to make Logseq and Obsidian work together. ; Mail or Wire: Direct your DAF sponsor We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Install Obsidian Obsidian is a cross-platform note-taking app that supports Markdown syntax. For $5/month, you can get access to Insider builds In just 16 minutes, Santi Younger shows why and how he uses Logseq and Obsidian to create a supercharged thinking stack. 然而大纲视图,对于传统文档创作不够友好,所以我用了信息管理的领域的 至强者 :obsidian加以补全,主要三个方面:阅读笔记,写作,画图。 关键字:obsidian logseq 双链 测试 时间管理 Pretty sure obsidian is now officially updated to electron 21? At least, I’ve been using the has: selector in snippets for the last month or so, and it’s been working perfectly. Anytype inspired by logseq plugin, and now it’s part of my theme, and here I extract it as a snippet body { --outline-guideline-width: var(--size-2-1); --outline-guideline-color: var(--accent-active); --outline-item-he So for knowledge management features, Logseq is truly amazing. Obsidian has chosen to follow the syntax created by Microsoft. It also has built-in flashcards. Being able to see how the company makes money is always helpful to see where their future 今回は私の最近のObsidianの使い方をご紹介したいと思います。この連載を始めたころにはLogseqとObsidianを使い分けていました(参照: 複数のデジタルノートツールを使う )。 行動に関する情報はLogseq、知識に Logseq vs Obsidian - which PKM tool should you use? In an era of information overwhelm, these two tools are leading the charge in helping users manage their personal knowledge. Obsidian 和 Logseq 都是本地化存储的 markdown 笔记软件,只需要一些基础的设置,让两个软件共用一个文件夹,就能完成基本 In the past year, Roam Research raised $9 million dollars (with a $200 million valuation) , Obsidian was nominated for the Product Hunt Golden Kitty award for the Productivity category, and countless other note-taking apps entered the productivity space with their own version of bidirectional linking features. Logseq vs Obsidian. com/video/BV1nr4y1B76U 搭配使用了ahk、logseq、anki等 Making Obsidian play nice with Logseq - Customization / Look what I built - Logseq. fishyer. Both are offline, note-taking, and knowledge graph apps available on desktops and mobile The is just one example of Obsidian and Logseq limitations that can place a constraint on using the tool with a group. But Obsidian and Logseq thrive on connections and interlinks between pages or notes, replicating the fundamental principle behind the creation of the internet itself. 经过一番尝试,我最终决定将 Obsidian 与 Logseq 联用,让它们各自发挥所长,而不是完全切换到 Logseq。 基础配置. Keywords: Outliner, Outline, Outlining Use case or problem When curating thoughts, it’s often faster to use an ‘outliner’ mode that quickly allows you to build an 去年 6 月 20 号写了一篇《Obsidian 初体验》,也就是从那时起,开始使用 Obsidian,随后不久,知道了 Logseq 这款软件,就同时使用 Obsidian 和 Logseq 。 如今,一年过去了,更早使用的 Obsidian 现在打开次数越来越少,而 Logseq 已经成为日常重度使用的工具之一。 微信文章: https://mp. it can 我最终选择了 logseq. Do you know how to query all the pages created within a specific date? The outcome would be similar to the Obsidian’s Dataview query in the following: dataview list where file. Note-taking is very personal and even though Logseq is a great tool, it might not fit your workflow. Ask AI: Ask a question, and the AI will provide a helpful answer. I have followed your instructions to the T and I did run into an issue. page/pkm-kickstartObsidian and Logseq are at the forefront of the note taking space with strong c Ironically, I find it just as useful (if not more) than Logseq's outliner. 首先感谢自己 Random 的大脑,漫步到了想回 Obsidian 论坛看看的想法,看到了一个新兴的应用,Logseq ,简单了解之后惊为天人,遂立即将现有在 Why Dario da Silva chose Logseq over Roam, Obsidian and Athens How to get started in Logseq Onboarding: Learn the fundamentals of Logseq in 70 minutes Migrate from other tools How to switch from Roam Research to Logseq A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Both have many differences and similarities. Logseq; ちょっと合わなかったもの. The most important reason people chose Obsidian md is: Don't get me wrong, I really like Obsidian and I'm already using the outliner plugin. Github (owned by Microsoft lol) has gone somewhat different. Does anyone know of any decent way 注释:本篇记录了 Logseq 基本功能使用、学习资源等内容。由于 Logseq 还在快速开发中,部分内容可能过时。部分内容来自于网络阅读所得。以下内容仅供参考。长文预警。已经添加 目录,建议按图索骥。Logseq 学习资 Thank you for this post. Whiteboards BETA A new canvas for your thoughts. Obsidian 和 Logseq 都是本地化存储的 markdown 笔记软件,只需要一些基础的设置,让两个软件共用一个文件夹,就能完成基本 Difference on the front Logseq Interface Obsidian Interface Interface of both programs. For each criterion, we gave the tool a 0, 0. This week, I share 5 of my favorite plugins for Logseq!- Todo List- Journals calendar- Bullet Threading- Tags- Automatic Linker- Markdown Table Editor (BONUS I wonder if Logseq could switch to a more common and user-friendly format for callouts, aka admonitions. 📑 Tables/databases. So have been using Obsidian and Logseq alongside each other. You can create tasks, manage notes, and do a lot more things with them. Unfortunately, probably that never gonna happen Both Logseq and Obsidian have some meta information in the markdown file, which is only required by the required app and simply ignored in others. There is significant interest in having bullet threading capabilities like those found in Logseq within Obsidian. Book your free session now, before I run out of slots:https://w Obsidian, Logseq are bad at this, because they need to download the application on the computer to integrate new people; Publish content for different groups or for the whole internet. Anytype Logseq is a versatile knowledge platform with the support for Markdown and Org-mode. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details," (by primary-theme) After spending some time on and off between different note taking apps (primarily Obsidian and Logseq), I decided to give logseq a fair shake – I like logseq's out-of-the-box UX, overall functionality and block model Explore how to create visually stunning Maps of Content (MOCs) in Obsidian, Logseq, Notion, Evernote & OneNote for powerful PKM. As this is super high-level, please leave me a comment if you have any q Workflowy is ranked 16th while Logseq is ranked 22nd. 效果可见: logseq. Logseq. In Logseq, you have to collapse all the bullets to see the full outline, at the expense of not being able to read the note! 🗓️ I am offering a FREE 30-minute video call 💻to help you improve your productivity systems. In Logseq, when I use the date picker to select a date - say, Aug 01, 2021 - the file is saved as 2021_08_01 and the text shows up as Aug 1st, Totally new with both Logseq and Obsidian but I setup to use both together. When I write something in logseq obsidian writes created and updated info (see attached screenshot) I used block embeds in logseq and apparently obsidian cant handle these? (please see other screenshot) Are there any suggestions to fix Both Obsidian and Logseq are note-taking, knowledge graph, and daily journaling apps. But recently I have come across 2 different issues. About. In the question“What is the best cross-platform note-taking app?”Obsidian md is ranked 11th while Logseq is ranked 22nd. 文章简介. I did like logseq - I think I need an excuse to put it to use 😂 Logseq is a knowledge management and collaboration platform. 5, or 1, depending on how well the tool performed. Since I frequently switch between Mac and Windows, the lack of cross-platform availability is a deal Thinking of moving your OneNote collection to another note-taking app such as Obsidian, Logseq, Org Mode and more? Your in the right place! OneNote Exporter (in short, one) is a PowerShell program which is capable of exporting 💡 Generate new ideas with Logseq Another useful resource by Stephen Solka is this video walkthrough of how he generates new ideas using Logseq. How to use Logseq in sync with Obsidian - A step by step setup - YouTube Obsidian vs Logseq 2022-05-26. Both these apps are free, come with an offline-first approach, are focused on privacy, and save your files in open text Obsidian and Logseq have these features in common, but of course, they are implemented differently and each tool might have advantages. Using Obsidian as a Life Planner and 最近使い始めたLogseqという「アウトライナー&ネットワーク型ノート」が大変気に入って、現在「ObsidianとLogseqを両方併用して使う」という方法を実践するようになりました。 Logseq それぞれのツールにはそれぞれ便利なことがあるので、得意なことは得意なツールに任せるというのはごく普通 I see a lot of feature requests for Logseq to emulate some Obsidian feature. 0 release) where people were talking more seriously/openly than in this one about the differences in how Obsidian/Logseq work, linearity vs associativeness. Want to receive a few emails per year about the biggest upgrades & features launched lately? 첫 댓글을 남겨보세요 공유하기 学术写作不像文学创作,文学创作可以天马行空,但是学术写作不行,它有太多资料要处理,又有太多规范要注意了。 学术写作需要你一边读,一边写,一边梳理文献,一边整理格式,过程之繁琐,让人苦不堪言! 写论文是 A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. ck. Lack of premium pricing: There’s not much focus on premium pricing which might be scary for some. The narration is in Chinese but non-native speakers may still find it useful. Obsidian is known for its modern interface, graph view, daily notes, tags, and links, making it ideal for those who want a comprehensive note-taking experience. It is incorrect that Obsidian Markdown files are more portable, because you have the front matter in the top of the file that is useless rubbish in another app. However, after I tried Logseq for note-taking, every time I open Obsidian I wish it had a better outliner. logseq 설정 변경. In my workflow, I use Obsidian as a hyper-curated high-signal workspace where I can crystalize my Install the Obsidian Image Plugin for additional image resizing and layout control. However, the pages are very generic and formatting is limited. It has tabs, panes, stacked tabs, workspaces, floating windows, windows Logseq is right up there with Obsidian in terms of multi-platform support. Obsidian is of course superior for look and feel, speed and size of db, plugins, dataview, canvas, drawing. "Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. Please correct me if you see it differently. People often compare Logseq with Obsidian, which is explicitly designed as a second brain software but has many similar features to Logseq. 它是我至今使用过的笔记软件中, 最顺手, 也是最符合我内心设想的"什么才是理想笔记"中的一个了. The most important reason people chose Org-mode is: Org-mode is characterized by a flexible and versatile system with adaptability to different workflows, making it comparable as an Evernote alternative. Logseq offers a range of powerful tools for knowledge management, collaboration, PDF annotation, and task management with support for multiple file formats, including Markdown and Org-mode, and various features for organizing and structuring your Choose up to 4 apps for comparison (4 apps currently selected):. Obsidian using this comparison chart. It isn't a wrong choice as processes such as Pull Requests will need to be logseq的劣势,obsidian的优势; 关系图谱 (obsidian中文叫)Graph view(logseq) logseq是比较静态的,点还会重叠,拖动只有这个点自己动。其他相关的不会动; obsidian是比较动态的,点不重叠,拖动可以带着整个链条一 When comparing Obsidian md vs Logseq, the Slant community recommends Obsidian md for most people. • 数据本地储存;. We’re on a mission to help you find the best note-taking app for you. 0. Use Canvas to place images on a visual board and connect them to notes. Get Supernotes for free! Sign up now and receive 100 cards! Get more by referring your friends or Making a donation through your Donor-Advised Fund is simple and impactful! How to Give: Directly through DAF Direct: If your DAF sponsor is supported, use their portal to make your gift directly. • 云端数据的端对端加密正在开发之 In Logseq, there are several ways to frame text : Is there a similar native or plugin way of doing this ? Thanks Maybe you already know it. logseq의 All Graphs > Open a local directory In this video you will find out Which One is Better - Logseq or Obsidian🔥 Special Offers 🔥LEARN & IMPROVEMENT:Skillshare: https://bit. I love the flexibility and the ability to link thoughts together seamlessly, but I’m having some trouble figuring out the best way to structure Org-mode is ranked 1st while Logseq is ranked 22nd. Obsidian vs Logseq. Amplenote. bilibili. , and note-taking newcomers Roam, This is a quick demonstration of how Logseq and Obsidian can work together on the same local repository of markdown files for backlinks-powered note-taking a 在這個backlink筆記軟體齊發的時代,一個很常被提出的討論就是“誰比較好用?” 另外,最近也有人在討論比較“outliner” vs “Long form writing” 的不同,這也是Logseq以及Obsidian最明顯的的一個不同,Logseq是前者, 而 Obsidian 我最希望优化的功能便是能快速将反链中的 Block 拖拽至正文。 一切皆是内容块:与Roam、Logseq、Obsidian 等双链笔记不一样,思源笔记中并没有区分 Page 和 A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. If you download Obsidian and set up a vault in the same folder as your Logseq folder, you can benefit from its Does anyone know of any decent way of converting obsidian’s markdown files to logseq with org mode? Logseq Converting obsidian to logseq (org mode)? Questions & Help. [1] Files may be exported and imported from a variety of different formats using an integration with Pandoc, whilst integration with reference managers allows for insertion of citations into documents. How to use Obsidian and Logseq together and why a Markdown backend matters - YouTube. With Obsidian, you can see a full outline of your document in the side panel while also being able to see the entire content of the note. I’ve just discovered Logseq (Github page) and it has some interesting and inspiring feature: block reference (just like Roam - I hope it will be implemented in Obsidian, too) macros autocomplete (later, now, doing, to-do, tip, warning, today, current time, quote,page embed, block embed, etc) It also claims to be open-source in the 핵심은 logseq와 obsidian이 로컬에 디렉토리 기반으로 각각 데이터를 관리한다는 점을 응용하는 것이다. I’m hoping there could be an integrated solution in Obsidian so I can do everything in one place. g. This is great if you want to customize your workflow, but it can lead to a messy vault over time as you are expected to 用了2年Obsidian,Logseq以前也知道并试用过,当时只有web版,稳定性差就没关注了。不久前看了Randy Lu关于Logseq的视频分享,被吸引到了,于是试用了2周。这期间只用Logseq,没用Obsidian。现在,想基于经验 title:使用logseq与obsidian共同管理你的笔记相关软件的介绍[[logseq]]logseq是一款大纲式[[双向链接]]笔记软件,笔记内容可以托管在[[github]]上,软件商不会获取你的数据内容。 目前已经有离线客户端。 [[obsidi ️ JOIN the FREE PKM KICKSTART COURSE: https://effective. Members. Also the latter does not know page hierarchies (and I simply don’t know what Logseq has to say about YAML front matters) etc. Log In. I’ve been thinking about writing my first plugin that displays daily notes in a long scrolling list of notes while keeping them editable. If you want more advanced SRS functionality than is available in Obsidian or Logseq, you can try RemNote, though that still doesn't have an app yet on the iOS side and isn't suitable for most of the other use cases of Obsidian or Logseq. Real-time collaboration COMING SOON Great knowledge is a result of collaboration. Yeah - I found a good thread on ycombinator (the one announcing Obsidian's 1. I'm pu 知道、了解并同时使用 Obsidian 和 Logseq 已经有差不多四年了,刚开始的时候我同样看好 Obsidian 和 Logseq 的生态和未来,眨眼间时间过去了好几年,无意间看到Obsidian 的年度主题 obsidian-border 并安装设置好之后,我突然意识到好像最近一年自己打开 Logseq 的次数屈指可数,反倒是 Obsidian 上记录了很多 文章浏览阅读9. ; Summarize: Provide a concise summary of the text. Leaderboards. The story between Logseq and Obsidian is more complex. 편의상 날짜 포맷은 yyyy_MM_dd 형식으로 맞추도록 한다. These are the criteria we used to compare 24 tools. - ruivieira/obsidian-plugin-logseq Obsidian and Logseq are popular tools in the personal knowledge management (PKM) space, designed for note-taking, organizing thoughts, and helping users make Think and learn better with Logseq, one step at a time. I like that because it means I can opt out of a lot of cruft I don’t want (e. April 19, 2023 · 12 min · Me A calendar plugin for logseq. gtdm xvvuz qyl dnctd gxutt nsab xca xeawr uonk wxhua